fredag 7 november 2008


today we went up eary on the mountain, to bad we got like 2 runs with visability then the clouds moved in so visability = 0!! we managed to get like one shoot for the catalog... we need like, hmmmm ALOT more and tomorrow is teh last day and weather is not looking great...
when we got down again to the house, Vanessa our photagrafer managed to somehow erase all studio shoots we did the day before, so we had to do that all over again, lame!! but now it´s done at least. I´m guessing that at the moment photagrafers and all the people working for bataleon is freeking out, cause we are here to get pictures for a catalog, and we have pretty much none and tomorrow is the last day.... hmmm, not cool for them!

now we´re gonna go out and do some racing with the rental car, really fun roads up the mountain!! haha

gulli looking damn good!!

pirate editing crew working like there´s no tomorrow as usual... cepten, flo and viktor

weather today was awsome, tyler almost killed him self on the way down, not by crashing, by suicide!

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