onsdag 29 oktober 2008

travel starts

in 40 minutes I´m off, train to stockholm, then I leave to france early tomorrow. It´s " le mondial" or something down there. It´s like a kick off event for the resort les 2 alpes. things that has happened past years at le mondial: Ben (one of the guys behind bataleon) left the bar with his friend, random dude shows upp and gives them one punch each in the face, ben gets a black eye, his friend broke his nose, my friend emil got his front toth knocked in by a cop and the fucked up thing is that the cop used his head for this, the reason: he used the work fuck... one year their was a riot, cars burning etc. some year one guy mysteriously got lost for some weeks, later they found him at the bottom of a 100m cliff, accident? who knows...?? this is only a few things that has happened over the past years at "le mondial". so wich me luck and hope to be alive after the weekend. monday I´m leaving france to go to safe austria again for a bataleon catalog shoot! thank good!!

normal day at le mondial in les 2 alpes! looks like fun times!!

2 kommentarer:

the tall tales of Jonathan Nilsson sa...

hahahaha du kommer nog överleva.. det heter les 2 alpes för att man får bara fara dit 2 ggr sen dör man.. jag har vart där 2 ggr och kommer nog återvända!! hahah lycka till.. btw vi kommer ju ses i hintertux.. cool

Danny Larsen sa...

fy faen som jeg hater le Mondial.
Jeg var der under riotsene.. smooth.
Stay alive boy.