söndag 23 november 2008

lördag 22 november 2008

longing for snow

today i´ve been looking at different weather websites looking for snow, where is it gonna fall? when is it coming? there is not much snow at all in sweden, cold everywhere but barely any snow! looks like snow is coming on monday almost everywhere in sweden, but I can´t wait, I need it now, and apparently it´s not much coming... there is some snow up north so I might travel towards the polar circle on monday, we´ll see what happens. now I´m gonna enjoy my girl for a whil

just outside my appartment in falun, super coold but no freekin snow! freekin me out

fredag 21 november 2008

method in hintertux

check out the new method.tv episode from hintertux pre season at www.method.tv epidode 14 part 4 of 6

mammoth opening weekend

if it´s slow to watch from here try watch it straight from the brilliant sensation called youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxQuRQD40lw&eurl=http://dannylarsen.blogspot.com/

torsdag 20 november 2008

randomly hit

I went out to aclub called etage here in falun yesterday with frida and some friends, did all the normal stuff, pre party etc. but after being in the club for while suddely some dude just randomly hits me in the face adn then dissapeard, had no clue who it was, then later it appeared that he claimed I pulled his hair on the dancefloor... dude I mean come on, I´m not a girl! why would I pull any bodys hair? anyways he apolgized, but like 10 min after that some random dude again comes from nowhere and hits me in the face from behind with no warning and throws me to the floor, and the same or another don´t know throws a knee in fridas stomake and pushed here over so she landed on her back on the floor? like whatafuck,who throws a knee at a girl and for what reason?? the dude or dudes who did it just dissapears and everybody stops doing what there doing people coming from everywhere, no one really knows who did it, at least we have no clue, fuckin asshole, that guy deserves to die! really!

we are kind of pissed of today but nothing to do about that.... now I´m gonna think happy thoughts about snow falling in falun!

onsdag 19 november 2008


I´m sitting on a train now between stockholm and falun, sone home again :). when I look outside the window I actually see some snow, just a tiny bit though, but we´re just outside of stockholm!! I´m so retaardedly tired right now! I have a huge problem when it comes to sleeping while sitting up. in other words I havn´t slept a minute the whole trip.

last day we went to hollywood and melroose, it´s pretty sick there, you straight away see that this town is all about the movies! there´s people dressed up as movie caracters everywere, the "scream" murderer came up behind Sani and scared the shit out of him with a fake knife! hahaha.

didn´t see any celebs at all in LA, not stoked about that, but when I turned around to get my backpack on the plane when it had arrived in new york vince from mötley crew was sitting behind me, so he handed my bag for me that was pretty wicked! that man looks like he had a couple of good partys in his lifetime! haha.

now I´m gonna hang out in falun and wating and hoping for alot of snow here!

we past the vivid office, it´s freekin huge.

scetchy duds like this everywere in hollywood.

this is were they have the famous oscar awards, pretty pimped out theater

If it wasn´t for the damn smog from all the fires in LA you could clearly see the hollywood sign here, but if you look close you see it! ;)

måndag 17 november 2008


I´m soooo happy that I´m at the airport in time waiting for my flight now, woke up 1 h late! the people at the front desk was suppose to give me a wake up call but never got it... assholes! I also did a pretty stupid move, I set my alarm on my phone on the correct time, only problem was that my phone is still on swedish time... haha, I just woke up looking at my watch and then started paniking!

well now I´m here, all is good and soon I´m on home territory! sweet!

I´m gonna kiss you all over your face tomorrow frida!!!

got this pic from Gidlund yesterday, he´s having a good time it looks like!


I wrote this blog yesterday actually but havn´t had any internet to upload it until now!

this morning we left mammoth for LA. when I checked out of our hotel I got the bill and all as usual then I look at it quick, and se 100 bucks for smoking in a non smoking room.... me, danny and sani were all staying in the same room and none of us smoke! the guy at the fron desk was a big duch bag I already knew that, but anyways, I ask him what thats all about and he said we´ve been smoking in our room adn I say there is no way in hell and we had a discussion, then after a while it turns out that he had smelled weed from the hallway, so he just asumed it was us and charged us 100 bucks! stupid turd ashole, but I ended up not having to pay!

on the way to LA we past some huge fires, aparently 100s of homes have burned down, really sketchy, you could se that the fire had been just next to the road and it was all smelly and stuff! luckily the airport is still open so I´m flying home tomorrow at 07.20 am! sweeeet!

now we´re gonna hit town one last time before we leave! still havn´t seen any celebs here in LA, really dissapointed!!! I mean coooome on!!

this use to be an rv, but not anymore, looked like somebody shoot it with a bazooka

airport hotel elevator, check out whats missing. so lame!

danny is editing our exclusive pocket digicam filmed movie from the opening weekend in mammoth!

they had the worst fires in 47 years in LA, the fire had been just next to the road, here I think they had a little control over it... the whole freeekin town was covered in smog!

I present to you the one and only, danny larsen, the rock n roll midget!

söndag 16 november 2008

pirate premier mammoth

some pics from the premier for the pirate movie here in mammoth, really fun night! free drinks, fights, good music, good movie, good friends. 

MFMs  (living mega snowboard ledgend) rv. the guy travells in style, wish I was to....
the pirate crew representing good at the party! drew, me, sani, danny and fabia

more proof that danny isn´t really rock n roll! haha

MFM spinning at the party
me and american team mate at bataleon, benny rice
danny having shrimp head for dinner, awsomenot if you ask me
this dude gut his as kicked big time, I was just standing at the bar and suddenly I hear something so I turn around and 2 guys are throwing fists on the floor, adn a 3rd guy drops in to and starts kicking the poor guy that was on the floor!

sleeping time

tired as hell it´s 00.07 am, we had no barely no sleep yeasterday and we´ve been on it all day today! me and sani just got back home from dinner, the other guys stayed to party, but since I´m 20 I didn´t really have the choice to stay and party. well I could stay and party but no drinking and what kind of party would that be for me..... super not cool! 
gonna be nice to finally get some good rest now! tomorrow morning we hit the road to get 1 more day in LA before we all go home.

sani and danny in the lift. really cool boyz. ehhhhhhh

transworld crew rockin out wih their cocks out
me getting ready for a hugh cliff, pretty cool dude!

pimp daddy

back flippin like there´s no tomorrow!

there were some pretty rad duds in the slopes.....

.....or really rad duds.......

or actually kind of gay! this dude is dressed up as a teddy bear!